
CBMI Chairman Mr. Tong Laigou attended Algeria-China Trade & Investment Forum and signed Strategic Cooperative Agreement

Release time:2015-05-03 13:29:34

From 28th April to 1st May, 2015, Algeria Prime Minister, Abdul Malik, Sierra made formal and friend visit to China. Algeria-China Trade & Investment Forum was held in Grand Hyatt Hotel Beijing in the afternoon, 28th April, 2015. Contract signature ceremony was also held during that time. Mr. Tong Laigou, Board Chairman of CBMI, in the present of both Primer Ministers of Algeria and China, signed two agreements with Algeria partners.

Algeria Prime Minister,Mr.Abdul Malik, Sierra was present the forum and made speech, as well as many other Ministers from Algeria and China. Mr. Tong Laiguo, with more than 10 Sino-Algeria entrepreneur representatives attended the forum. Mr.Abdul Malik, Sierra and other Minister replied several hot issues raised by Chinese enterprise representatives, such as the Algeria investment environment, the development prospect on new energy resource, favorable policy to Chinese enterprise etc. This forum is one of the most important activity by Mr. Mr.Abdul Malik, Sierra during his visit in China, which aiming to facilitate the knowledge of Algeria by Chinese enterprises.

On the following Sino-Algeria enterprise cooperative agreement ceremony, Mr. Tong Laigou, on behalf of CBMI, signed Biskra cement production line supplemental agreement with Lafarge Algeri Cilas Group, a cooperative frame agreement also signed by Mr. Tong with Algeria cooperative partner LNC company.

Further on, Mr. Tong Laigou made deep conversation with Algeria Industrial and Mineral Minister, Mr. Abudulalm. Busuwalabu, on the investment & cooperation in Algeria. Mr. Abudulalm. Busuwalabu showed his appreciate on CBMI’s progress in Algeria, and encouraged CBMI to further enlarge their business and scope of investment in Algeria. Mr. Tong Laigou showed CBMI’s special attention to Algeria market, two agreements had signed during this forum. CBMI will further develop its business scope and scale in Algeria.

Mr. Rong Yakun, Project Manager, Mr. Yang Zhi, Vice director of Marketing Department, accompany to visit this activity.


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